PMD Device
I promised an update on using the PMD device and while I meant to do one sooner I completely failed. Hey better late than never right? This little device has been my skins saving grace! It leaves me with ultra soft skin after each use and has completely changed it's tone and texture.
I can instantly tell when its been to long between sessions because my skin will start to feel rough again. I use this tool once a week usually on Sunday (I have turned my Sunday nights into a little "spa ritual" maybe ill do a whole post on that?!). I use this after I have showered and have a completely clean face. The session only takes about a minute and is completely painless.  Once I am done with the session I will run a cotton pad soaked in bioderma accross my face to pick up any dead skin then go about my normal night routine.
I have been using my PMD device for about 12 weeks now and can say that my acne spots have really cleared up, and if I do get a breakout they heal much faster. Overall my complextion is brighter and my pores are less noticiable. All of this comes from using the tool to remove all those dead skin cells which in its self is great for your skin but it also makes it easier for my serums, lotions and potions to work their best! Lets face it skincare can be an expensive investment so I want to get the most from the products I use and by using my PMD every week I feel like I am.
The best compliment I can get now is "wow your skin looks so good, what are you doing?" and I have been getting it alot more lately from people I see all the time that wouldnt necessarly notice something like this.

Check out my first PMD post HERE. Interested in reading more from the brand? Head on over to their website.

PMD Device
I promised an update on using the PMD device and while I meant to do one sooner I completely failed. Hey better late than never right? This little device has been my skins saving grace! It leaves me with ultra soft skin after each use and has completely changed it's tone and texture.
I can instantly tell when its been to long between sessions because my skin will start to feel rough again. I use this tool once a week usually on Sunday (I have turned my Sunday nights into a little "spa ritual" maybe ill do a whole post on that?!). I use this after I have showered and have a completely clean face. The session only takes about a minute and is completely painless.  Once I am done with the session I will run a cotton pad soaked in bioderma accross my face to pick up any dead skin then go about my normal night routine.
I have been using my PMD device for about 12 weeks now and can say that my acne spots have really cleared up, and if I do get a breakout they heal much faster. Overall my complextion is brighter and my pores are less noticiable. All of this comes from using the tool to remove all those dead skin cells which in its self is great for your skin but it also makes it easier for my serums, lotions and potions to work their best! Lets face it skincare can be an expensive investment so I want to get the most from the products I use and by using my PMD every week I feel like I am.
The best compliment I can get now is "wow your skin looks so good, what are you doing?" and I have been getting it alot more lately from people I see all the time that wouldnt necessarly notice something like this.

Check out my first PMD post HERE. Interested in reading more from the brand? Head on over to their website.


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